Are you ready?

 If not, come back later
Sacred shamanic ceremonies cultivate self-acceptance, love and inner wisdom. Develop a better understanding of the layers of self, life and reality.

Our Religious Ceremonies

We believe in sincere, spiritual self-authorization for the highest and best use of all sacraments

Niños Santos Ceremony​

Challenge your mental and behavioral patterns and the beliefs of who you are and who you are intended to be in Life.​

2024 Ceremonies

Experience a sacramental shamanic ceremony in a safe place with our Soultribe Sanctuary shamans.

Rapéh Ceremony ​

Bring yourself to the present moment, connect with your breath and soothe your body and energy.

Sananga Ceremony​

Cleanse and increase your physical and spiritual energy by fully connecting to the present moment.

Kambo Ceremony​

Discover something new about yourself or your reality and relieve yourself from negative thoughts and energies.

Benefits of Shamanic Ceremonies

See, feel and know the interconnectedness of nature; listen to its messages

Embrace self-acceptance, love and understanding by activating freedom of thought

Overcome self-limiting ideas to liberate yourself from the opinions of others

Connect with your current state of being using emotional and physical feedback and unlock a path forward

Connect with Nature

Reconnect with Nature and the Divine

Embrace an inclusive view of Life and Reality. Forgive and release limits that may have been instilled in you knowingly or unknowingly by history, family, society, language and culture.

Why join a sacred shamanic ceremony?

Safe Place

SoulTribe Sanctuary is a place for congregation where there’s self-acceptance, love and support for spiritual healing


I choose to exercise the divine right to explore my mind in pursuit of happiness and spiritual understanding


Shamanism is the oldest form of spirituality known to humankind


I feel connected to mushrooms and I’m curious about flora, fauna and funga

The Beauty Way

Shamanism teaches us to be observant of our ways of being

We Love People

You believe in humanity

About Us

SoulTribe Sanctuary is a nondenominational, interfaith, religious organization that supports the safe access to Animal, Plant and Fungal entheogens. Our primary entheogenic sacrament is sacredly called Niños Santos, commonly known as psilocybin mushrooms.  SoulTribe Sanctuary stands strong in providing a safe space and environment to experience a shamanic ceremony where religious freedom and respect for the indigenous exist. SoulTribe Sanctuary has three ceremonial leaders; shaman Aqüa, shaman LittleFoot and shaman Mariposa.


Support us

SoulTribe Sanctuary accepts love donations which recognize the proportional value each individual receives from their spiritual journey and personal growth. Your contribution enables us to pursue the spiritual work we are called to share. We also receive donations in the form of flowers, plants, candles, crystals, land, vehicles & art.

Are you ready to expand?

We support timeless, worthwhile ideas that help us transform the way we see ourselves, each other and reality around us. Here’s a list of authors and their contributions to the human library.

What Members Say

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“Plant medicines, physical practices such as breathwork, yoga, guided meditations, musical journeys, community events - all the tools are provided here. Life is the ritual, and you are invited”.
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"My first ceremony led by SoulTribe Sanctuary’s knowledgeable shamans was hands-down the single most spiritual experience of my life so far!".
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“I decided to do a full day ceremony with numerous ancient plant medicines that I’d never heard of like kambo and sananga. I learned more about myself, nature and life in one ceremony with Soul Tribe than in years of church services”.
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“SoulTribe has taken me on many journeys. They all lead to the same place-expansion. It’s a place I feel welcomed and heard. I’ve participated in most of the modalities they offer and each transformed my life perspective”.
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“Since joining Soultribe Sanctuary, I have experienced a tremendous acceleration in my spiritual awakening and overwhelming satisfaction in being part of a community that actively promotes connection, expression, expansion, healing, beautiful art, and everything always with love”.
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“Shamans Aqüa, Littlefoot, and Mariposa possess a wealth of knowledge concerning plant medicines, spiritual practices, and personal healing and development. The shamans are generous and respectful in their approach to ceremony while also cultivating a sense of play and joy”.
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“I felt safe and supported in my self-healing journey in every aspect, from the pre-ceremony consultation all the way through each phase of ceremony to the post-ceremony integration follow up consultation”.
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“I started small with a rapé and breath work ceremony. I was shocked to find that it was not only the most relaxing experience I’d had but for the first time I felt like I was aware of my third eye - which according to my bible based upbringing doesn’t exist”.
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“The ceremony was a full circle experience for me through all the different medicines. The kambo brought up a lot of emotions that I was uncomfortable with. I realized I’m uncomfortable with emotions in general but especially the ones I had a hard time identifying and could only give them one word names like acceptance”.
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“The rapéh helped ground my emotions, it relaxed my mind to prepare for the downpour of thoughts and realizations that the mushrooms brought in. To be honest I wasn’t ready for a lot of them, but now I am at least aware of them”.
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“The sananga helped clear it all. It was probably the most physically uncomfortable part of the ceremony but it brought the entire thing full circle and gave me the clarity to process the awareness I now had. Of all the modalities, sananga was the one I enjoyed the least but feel like I benefited from the most”.
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“The connection I made to my ancestors through the plant and animal medicines allowed me to see societal/generational programming and then shed layers of fear, sadness, and doubt that programming had created within me”.
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“In this experience, I also found a beautiful, diverse community of generous and kind-hearted BEings. I did not realize how much my soul was longing to connect with a group such as this one…until I was among them. Thank you”.
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“At the ceremony I met a number of lovely souls. It was so refreshing to be with a group of people who I could connect with without having to share the same belief system. Everyone in that very diverse group of kind people are all on a journey of self discovery and on a mission to better the world. Who wouldn’t want to be a member of that type of group?”.
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“Fellow Soultribe members add their own unique gifts and energies to the collective and openness and sharing are always encouraged - this is a reminder: this is what a loving community can look like.There is a magic in finding that in healing yourself you begin to heal the world around you”.
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“I have a very hard time accepting compliments without deflecting to some other source. At the ceremony I was taught that I am a source of good, just me, as a person. A number of times during the ceremony I tried to deflect or use negative words about myself and I was immediately, but gently, helped to see my own value. Since then I have been more conscious of the words I use when speaking to myself and it has softened my view of myself, allowing me to accept that I have good qualities, I am actually a pretty good person of my own volition”.
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“I live without fear or regrets. All the medicines come together in my daily meditation practice. I have become the creator I was searching for and now simply share. Thank you SoulTribe”.

Frequently Asked Question

SoulTribe Sanctuary is a nondenominational, interfaith, religious organization that supports the safe access to Animal, Plant and Fungal entheogens. Our primary entheogenic sacrament is sacredly called Niños Santos, commonly known as psilocybin mushrooms. SoulTribe Sanctuary stands strong in providing a safe space and environment to experience a shamanic ceremony where religious freedom and respect for the indigenous exist.

No, we advocate for freedom of thought. There is Truth in all Paths. You are free to believe whatever feels in alignment with you and your spiritual principles. (PLEASE READ OUR STATEMENT OF BELIEFS)

Mushrooms grow from the fungal network of threadlike cells called Mycelium. It is the network of nature. Interlacing mosaics of mycelium infuse habitants with information-sharing membranes. These membranes are aware, react to change, and collectively have the long term health of the host environment in mind. The mycelium stays in constant molecular communication with its environment, devising diverse enzymatic and chemical responses to complex challenges. These networks not only survive, but sometimes expand to thousands of acres in size, achieving the greatest mass of any individual organism on this planet. That mycelia can spread enormous cellular mats across thousands of acres is a testimonial to a successful and versatile evolutionary strategy. Mushrooms are part of that strategy.

Psilocybin is a naturally occurring psychedelic compound produced by more than 200 species of mushrooms, collectively known as psilocybin mushrooms.

First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

As defined by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, SoulTribe Sanctuary is a religious organization (church), and is not subject to regulation which would interfere with or unduly burden our practices or beliefs. We understand, respect and care for the safety of all those called to learn sacred shamanic teachings through SoulTribe Sanctuary. We proclaim that the use of entheogenic sacraments is one of our religious rights.

The Religious Freedom and Restoration Act of 1993 (RFRA) is the cornerstone of free exercise of religion at both the federal and to a large extent, the state level. Specifically, as it relates to entheogenic churches and retreats, the RFRA was passed in response to a case court of Oregon wherein a law was upheld which denied unemployment benefits to a Native American who used peyote as a religious sacrament.

Congress enacted the RFRA, which mandates all religious exercise be examined on a case-by-case basis, regardless whether the law at issue is facially neutral (generally applicable) or not.

In the context of entheogenic churches, the RFRA does not apply to state or local authorities. Therefore whether an entheogenic church will be fully protected will not only depend on the federal RFRA, but also depends on the state laws regarding the free exercise of religion. Many states adopted their own analogous RFRA statutes.

The RFRA and analogous state law and constitutional provisions require that the government show a compelling governmental interest in prohibiting or regulating the religious exercise at issue. Furthermore, the government must show that the general law at issue is the least restrictive means for serving the compelling governmental interest.

Excerpt from George G. Lake ESQ. (2021) The law of Entheogenic Churches in the United States.

Buy his book here 

Before thinking about who is coming with you to the ceremony, think about what your intention is. What do you want to get out of this experience? If you don’t yet have an intention, it simply means; not now, not yet. Once you have defined your intention, you can ask yourself; “is this person’s energy, attention and intention in alignment with what I want out of this experience?” It’s completely normal to want to go to a ceremony by yourself. If this person is riding the same wave of spiritual growth and expansion, come together for the ceremony. It will empower you both. The same goes for families, who have done spiritual work together and are ready for the next step in their evolution. We’ll be happy to be part of the process.

  • A deeper understanding of who you are
  • Connection and appreciation for Mother Earth (Pachamama)
  • Synapse Activation
  • A sense of well-being
  • A new level of energy
  • Receptivity
  • Loving confidence in one’s intelligence
  • A deeper awareness of the bodily functions
  • Possible physical discomfort in the case of internal resistance
  • Access to an expanded world inside yourself that’s always been there

Ceremony grants us the opportunity to enhance our thought process, to feel our physical apparatus, and to activate our emotional guidance system. When we become present in our unique breathing process, we receive glimpses of what it really means to be alive. SoulTribe Sanctuary takes a comprehensive spiritual approach to growth through remembrance and self-discovery. Shamans think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. Every ceremony is tailored through that lens. We utilize a vast array of healing modalities tailored to the emotional makeup of those participating in the ceremony. We encourage you to read our Statement of Beliefs where we comprehensively share who we are and the crucial importance of integration.

First, we don’t trip. We receive visions. The nature of those visions in shamanic tradition depend on the subject’s emotional state of being, including their historical, societal, and ancestral programming. If you feel overwhelmed and anxious before participating in a shamanic ceremony, please honor your feelings and pass. Timing is important. There’s no rush.

  • A positive attitude
  • Comfortable clothes
  • A reusable water bottle
  • An offering to the altar if you feel called to
  • A picture of someone you love

Preparation for sacred shamanic ceremonies is a key component to fully receive the benefits of our sacraments. Preparation may include but not be limited to:

  • Shaman’s consultation
  • Fasting
  • Journaling
  • Intention setting
  • Meditation
  • Adding fruit and vegetables to our diet
  • Restriction from sexual and self-deprecating behaviors.

The purpose of these practices is to focus attention, energy and thought momentum into Spiritual Healing and Illumination. Members shall be counseled and care taken in preparation for participation in entheogenic and non-entheogenic sacred shamanic ceremonies and sacraments, to assure safety and wellbeing.

We accept that integration can be challenging as we learn to align our thoughts, words and actions with the vibrational frequency of our sacraments. This is where spiritual wisdom transcends into Physical Reality. Here are some suggestions. Do what resonates.

  • Rest
  • Hike
  • Journal
  • Breathe
  • Exercise
  • Meditate
  • Breathwork
  • Drink water
  • Mirror work
  • Be in Nature
  • Live your Life
  • Talk to people
  • Learn a new skill
  • Explore your town
  • Go to a public park
  • Nourish your body
  • Be kind to yourself
  • Look at world maps
  • Talk to your shaman
  • Learn a new language
  • Watch uplifting content
  • Plant a seed/a plant/a tree
  • Learn about the Beauty Way
  • Read (check our book list here)
  • Clean your house now and then
  • Occasionally cook your own meals
  • Act in alignment with your intentions
  • Release what holds you back and down
  • Think in terms of frequency and vibration
  • Learn about the history of human thought
  • Often bring your attention to what you want
  • Give back to nature by educating yourself and caring for the environment in whatever capacity you can.
  • Visit Native Indians who are lovingly willing to share their medicine. They possess ancient wisdom; listen to what they have to say.

While we understand the sacred ceremonial use of natural entheogens is not for everyone. SoulTribe Sanctuary helps connect those who feel the call to entheogenic sacraments with highly respected sacred shamanic ceremonies and retreats in the United States and around the globe. Water, Breathwork, Sound Baths, Water Immersion, Meditation, Introspection, Laugher and Energy Healing are the starting points for most members. At our SoulTribe Sanctuary, ceremonies will always be offered and you have the power and freedom to decide whether or not you want to be part of it.