2024 Ceremonies

Aloha Tribe,

We are eager to announce upcoming offerings. SoulTribe Sanctuary hosts and facilitates private and group sacramental shamanic ceremonies. Group ceremonies are held on Saturdays from noon to 10pm. Ceremonies include various healing modalities, including sacrament. Spaces are limited for these sacred journeys. You are encouraged to enroll and begin preparation. SoulTribe stands strong in providing a safe space to experience a religious, shamanic ceremony similar to those in Eleusis of Ancient Greece and those in the Sierra Mazateca mountains in Oaxaca, México. As in all sacred ceremonies, we are available for a free pre-ceremony consultation. Consultations’ content is considered private and confidential information.

Check-in is Saturday at 12:00 pm to facilitate aligning with your intention and grounding you in your body and setting. Members are encouraged to water fast on their ceremony day. Vegetarian snacks will be provided after the ceremony. Members are kindly requested to make do with the simple vegetarian snacks offered. Comfort items will be provided. You are welcome to bring a personal blanket and pillow to make your experience as comfortable and familiar as possible. Comfort is paramount. Wear comfortable clothes and bring several warm layers for possible cold temperatures at night. Bring a refillable water bottle.

SoulTribe Sanctuary accepts and integrates the essential nature and frequency of money. Our suggested sliding scale donation for a group ceremony is $399-$1,111. Our suggested sliding scale donation for a private ceremony is $999-$2,222. Embrace the amount that resonates with your energetic frequency. Every gift counts. SoulTribe Sanctuary does not charge for sacrament. SoulTribe Sanctuary does accept donations which recognize the proportional, spiritual value each individual receives from their shamanic journey and personal growth. Your donation enables us to continue pursuing the spiritual work we are called to share.

We acknowledge the vast spectrum of human experience in this time-space reality. Ceremony allows us to become aware of our tendency to shut down when we feel unsafe or insecure. We recenter focus on living as intentional beings, rather than beings reacting to physiological, psychological, sexual, economical, or pharmacological behaviors. These phenomena may have occurred in the past, or still be present in our lives. We propagate Trust and Respect as foundational pillars essential for co-creation. SoulTribe Sanctuary values and respects the mind, body, and soul.

SoulTribe Sanctuary is a spiritual mindset and community platform. It is a meeting point for sentient beings ready to balance reason and emotions as we walk each other back to our spiritual home. We reasonably believe that neither entheogenic sacraments nor SoulTribe Sanctuary are a cure for mis-aligment or dis-ease. They are tools that allow us to better understand the layers of being and the role we play in each other’s lives. Your mind, your dwelling, and the planet are your most important sanctuaries. Everyone is welcome to participate in an entheogenic or non-entheogenic ceremony once they understand, agree and reasonably believe they are ready for the experience.

Ceremony grants us the opportunity to think about what we think about. We begin to feel our physical apparatus and our emotional guidance system. When we find presence in our unique breathing process, we receive glimpses of what it really means to be alive. SoulTribe Sanctuary takes a comprehensive spiritual approach to growth through remembrance and self-discovery. We utilize a vast array of healing modalities tailored to the emotional makeup of those participating in the ceremony. We encourage you to read our Statement of Beliefs where we comprehensively share who we are and the crucial importance of integration.

SoulTribe Sanctuary General Intentions:

What’s your intention? 

We are here to share a spiritual experience with individuals who feel called to be part of a SoulTribe Sanctuary sacred shamanic ceremony. If you are not ready, give it some time. We will be here when your time is right. We’ll see you in Ceremony.


Become a member



$399 - $1,111


Mar 23
Apr 20
May 25
Jun 22
Jul 27
Aug 17
Sep 14
Oct 19


Check-in time is Saturday 12:00 PM


Within a two-hour driving range from San Diego

For our latest ceremony dates and information, please visit us on Instagram