Shaman Aqüa
Shaman Aqüa is a renowned spiritual teacher and student across the many universes of understanding. Co-creator and co-founder of SoulTribe Sanctuary, he was led by spirit to delve into the remembrance of our realities. He shares sacred ancestral wisdom from shaman grandfather Maximo and medicine woman grandmother Genoveva via earth bathing and medicinal elements. Shaman Aqüa shares profound wisdom, encounters and activations he has received from elders around the globe. He embodies a unification message activating frequency and vibration for those ready to receive and share. Voice, art, journeys, movement, instruments and nature are tools Shaman Aqüa shares. Plants, animals and fungi have fascinated Aqüa through many lifetimes. They are reminders to remember the cycles and layers of self. The process of metamorphosis enables Shaman Aqüa to journey past the physical form and experience life exponentially. He utilizes a plethora of modalities including meditation, Bhakti yoga, bodywork and vibrational sound healing to stimulate transforming, tangible experiences. Mahalo Tribe, brothers and sisters. Aho’:Mitakuye Oyasin