Statement of Beliefs


SoulTribe Sanctuary is a Congress of Cosmic Universal Consciousness. We utilize entheogenic* and non-entheogenic sacraments for spiritual ascension, illumination and expansion to remind us we are all walking each other back to our spiritual home.

*Entheogen: a Higher Frequency Vibrational substance used for the purposes of engendering spiritual development or otherwise in sacred contexts


SoulTribe Sanctuary follows sacred teachings of indigenous people who historically inhabited the World in pre-colonial and pre-conquest times. These indigenous people continue to exist in parts of Asia, Africa, North, Central, and South America, as well as in California, USA and Baja California, Mexico. All have left evidence of territorial occupation, and shamanic traditions. These people continue to pass on ancient shamanic knowledge and wisdom through oral tradition and to protect sacred, native, natural and traditional practices so they may be restored at a future date. We honor our ancestors, descendants, and past generations for their spiritual contributions. They have brought us to where we now are. We are endorsed by the indigenous Kumiai tribe in Tecate, Baja California. Mexico. SoulTribe Sanctuary recognizes its origin and inception occurred on the ancestral homeland of the Kumeyaay Nation. SoulTribe Sanctuary extends its respect and gratitude to the Kumeyaay peoples who have lived here since time immemorial in what is now California U.S and Baja California, Mexico. They continue to care for and maintain connection to this ancestral homeland, in the context of transperancy and reconciliation. We honor ancient sacred shamanic wisdom, beginning here in this state of California, in the United States of America and spreading out as far as the wind may carry the message, for as long as the trees grow and the rivers flow and the universe keeps vibrating its self-actualizing frequency.


 We believe and accept that we live in a vibrational Universe of advanced harmonics, and astonishing mathematical precision. We believe and accept we are receivers of vibrational signals that we translate through physical senses into the reality we are living.  Beginning in San Diego, California, USA and extending to various locations in the world where Higher Consciousness shall see fit to guide us, we educate and welcome people from all tribes and nations. We advocate Spiritual Healing for Humanity with the intent to create elevated versions of ourselves. We labor towards an elevated version of the society we live in. We strive to provide Spiritual illumination to any being who is sincerely ready to receive a Spiritual Healing Message.


We believe in a safe place for congregation where there is self-acceptance, love and support for spiritual healing, illumination and human evolution. A place where we come to receive and create ideas, perceptions and beliefs of who we are and who we intend to be. We believe in freedom of EXPRESSION and freedom of THOUGHT. We believe in educating ourselves about how to think freely. We recognize that Spiritual Knowledge and Wisdom is something to be felt within the Body and Mind. A platform for freedom of thought is essential for transcending limiting perceptions and beliefs about Self, Life and Physical Reality, that may have been instilled in us knowingly or unknowingly by history, family and society. 


We believe that there are traces of Spiritual Wisdom throughout the history of Humanity on planet Earth. It can be drawn from diverse sources such as arts, cinematography, science, poetry, music, and literature from every time period, including contemporary anecdotal counts. We believe in self-discovery and introspection. One must think about what we think about; everyone shares their Spiritual Story. We believe that every human being knowingly or unknowingly is on their journey to a better feeling life. We believe every human shall be given the opportunity to think freely about the fundamental and existential questions on planet Earth: Who and why am I? What is Higher consciousness? Who, or what, created the universe we inhabit, what is the nature and function of consciousness. Why do we dream? We ponder questions that are driving philosophy and science to this day. How can we better understand what a Black Hole is?  An increasing number of adults are willing to ask questions of this sort, and occasionally they receive astonishing answers. We believe that every human shall be given the opportunity to freely take an inner journey for their own spiritual wisdom, expansion and evolution. Such a journey begins by closing our eyes, being quiet and observing our thoughts. Such a quest will help us move towards a better, more elevated understanding of the purpose of human life on planet Earth. We believe there are wise minds in every generation. Spiritual Wisdom is ever-expansive and permeates every mind. Equidistant from the atoms to the stars, we are expanding our Minds to embrace both the very small and the very large. How far can we go?


We accept all animate and inanimate life forms on planet Earth, including human beings, as extensions of Higher Consciousness. We accept Breath as a Life-given sacrament, a sacrament that every human utilizes each moment of their lives to continue self-actualizing the vibration of Higher-consciousness. We believe that Breathwork conducted in sincere surrender and trust has the potential to activate spiritual curiosity within the Mind by expanding our limited understanding of our Psyche. We accept Water as a sacrament and as an essential component to sustain all life forms on planet Earth. We accept Water as a source of Life within and for the human body. We accept Water’s cleansing and purifying properties.


We accept that entheogenic sacraments derived from plants and animals of Mother Earth-Pachamama-Gaia are meant to be used for natural, spiritual healing purposes to reach higher states of consciousness, illumination and commune with the Divine. We accept and proclaim natural entheogens to be spiritual master sacraments and to be treated with dignity, and used as master teachers in sacred shamanic ceremonies.  We believe the sacred ceremonial use of natural entheogens allows an individual to connect with their own Spirit and Body, commune with the Divine, and most importantly to connect with Self-acceptance and Self-love. We accept the challenging process of facing our inner darkness when we are ready to embrace and release it. By delving into our own known and unknown darkness we begin to see and understand our Light. While we understand the sacred ceremonial use of natural entheogens is not for everyone, SoulTribe Sanctuary helps connect those who feel the call to entheogenic sacraments with highly respected sacred shamanic ceremonies and retreats in the United States and around the globe. Water, Breathwork, Sound Baths, Water Immersion, Meditation, Introspection, and Energy Healing are the starting points for most people.


We believe that sacred entheogenic spiritual sacraments enable the human psyche to receive personal, spiritual and sacred communications that will help us evolve on our quest for a more self-accepting, fulfilling and meaningful life. We believe that these sacraments are tools for spiritual growth and illumination, meant for humans on the path to higher spiritual understanding. We believe and honor traditions and wisdom passed down from Shamans and tribes that have used these sacraments for thousands of years; we are not the first. We we encourage spiritual growth spiritual growth and illumination and exercise extreme caution and care in the use of entheogenic sacraments.


We recognize all entheogenic sacraments have different frequencies for different activations of the human Psyche and Body. We accept and embrace all receiving spiritual communication modes; cognitive, visual, auditory and kinesthetic. We accept that sacred communication invoked by the spirit of entheogenic and non-entheogenic sacraments takes the form of spirit animals and plants, all nature forms, sacred cosmology, sacred geometry, sacred numerology, sacred symbology, spirit guides, energy and light. We accept and embrace the visceral and challenging physical process of cleansing and purification that entheogenic sacraments may precipitate in the human Mind and Body. This is the physical sensation of letting go of our own resistance to Life. 


Our primary entheogenic sacrament is:

  • Psilocybin Mushrooms, also sacredly known as Niños Santos; Holy Children in Spanish Language. Use of this sacrament is recommended for members 21 years of age and older.


Our primary non-entheogenic sacraments are:

  • Earth for our Body.
  • Water for our Blood.
  • Air for our Breath.
  • Fire for our Spirit.


We recognize that natural, organic plant and animal based entheogenic sacraments have been given to humans by nature itself. They have been with us for longer than our recorded history.  We accept these ancient  entheogenic sacraments as being effective and helpful in facilitating the process of mind expansion and human evolution. SoulTribe Sanctuary’s primary entheogenic sacrament is Psilocybin Mushrooms. We find small doses of Psilocybin Mushrooms (1-3 grams) are sufficient for the mind to receive  meaningful messages  during a sacred shamanic ceremony. Integration is paramount. 


Shamans and those who understand vibration know that no one is the holder of the truth, spiritual wisdom exists for anyone who can tune themselves into its frequency. We accept that there’s ancient wisdom within us. We are learning to tap into it by allowing ourselves to explore the  mystical nature of the Mind. Shamans offer guidance towards alignment with intention, and by directing our attention inward to see the possibility of actualizing the Good, the True, and the Beautiful. From within, vivid memories endure and translate into better feeling states of being. When we pause our analytical, logical, linear thinking minds, we venture into the realms of unimaginable freedom, peace and joy. The past does not define who we choose to be, yet it influences how we show up for the present moment.  SoulTribe Sanctuary does not authorize the personal cultivation or harvest of Psilocybin mushrooms. Accepting entheogenic or non-entheogenic sacraments is a personal decision, one every adult must ask and make. We believe in sincere-spiritual-self-authorization for the highest and best use of all sacraments. 


We believe the Spirit of the Psilocybin Mushroom is a Spiritual Master Teacher. We believe in its spiritual activating frequency. It allows us to open our Third Eye to higher levels of consciousness. Psilocybin Mushrooms allow us to gain insight into our mental and behavioural patterns so we can challenge  beliefs about who we are as individuals. We accept that the use of Psilocybin Mushrooms in sacred shamanic ceremonies has spiritual illuminating properties. It allows us to see beyond our five senses, experience oneness with the cosmos, re-discover and remember who we are spiritually. It facilitates illumination, sacred communication. It enables re-evaluation  of who we want to be and how we choose to live our lives to be in better alignment with our intentions, Higher consciousness, including our Planet. The acceptance and use of Psilocybin Mushrooms as a sacrament gives insight into the layers of being and cycles of Life: Life and Death, Day and Night. It re-balances Spiritual and Physical energy. It re-centers focus on what is meaningful and important in Life.


We believe and accept that certain energy and sound frequencies have spiritual activating properties for the human Psyche and Body. They have the power to realign our energy with the frequency of calmness, tranquility, and equanimity. We accept Meditation as a tool to release resistance to Life, quiet the Mind and receive illumination. We believe and accept the power of the human mind to spiritually heal itself. We believe Breath has the power to activate our Third Eye to receive sacred spiritual communications. We believe that every Mind can return to its natural state as a self-regulating, self-correcting, self-accepting and self-loving Mind. We believe and encourage bringing fundamental and existential questions to ceremony such as: What is Higher consciousness? Is anyone aware that I exist? Who am I? Am I loved?  Can I accept Love? Can I learn to let go? Can I learn to forgive? Can I remember past experiences and feel empowered at the same time? What is my Life purpose and mission? What and Why am I resisting? Will I one day understand myself? No questions are off limits. 


Shamans, Leaders, Members and Future Members of Soultribe Sanctuary choose to learn to take responsibility for their own thoughts, words and actions in Life. We want to learn how to become more honest with ourselves and others  so we can live more self-accepting, fulfilling and meaningful Lives. Honesty is a lifelong cultivation and we strive for it amidst Life’s challenges. Shamans and leaders are learning from us as much as we are learning from them. We feel the calling of our primary spiritual sacraments. We feel an inquisitive anticipation for our connection with the Spirit of Psilocybin Mushrooms and non-entheogenic sacraments. We feel resonance within our Mind, Body and Spirit and feel called to attend sacred shamanic ceremonies. Every Mind should seek its own path and truth. 


We believe that preparation for sacred shamanic ceremonies is a key component to fully receive the benefits of spiritual illumination. Preparation may include but not be limited to shaman’s conference, silence, contemplation, fasting, journaling, intention setting, meditation,  laughter, reflection, special diet and restriction from sexual and self-deprecating behaviors. The purpose of these practices is to focus attention, energy and thought momentum into Spiritual Healing and Illumination.  

Members shall be counseled and care taken in preparation for participation in  entheogenic and non-entheogenic sacred shamanic ceremonies and sacraments, to assure safety and wellbeing.


We believe and accept the process of Integration. We believe in integrating the sacred communications received during a sacred shamanic ceremony into our daily lives. We accept that integration can be challenging as we learn to align our thoughts, words and actions with the vibrational frequency of Love and Understanding. This is where spiritual wisdom transcends into Physical Reality. 


We believe and accept the process of sharing sacred visions, revelations, thoughts and personal experiences, in a safe place, and as a tool to better understand ourselves. Sharing allows us to be observant of our thoughts, actions, stories, reflections, mental patterns, and  beliefs about Self, Life and Physical Reality. Sharing empowers us to voice our feelings and emotions as a necessary process, release resistance to Life and accept self-Love.


We recognize the existence of many healing modalities such as:

MeditationAromatherapy Astrology Crystals 
Contemplation Animals Colors Games 
Journaling Reading Gardening Nourishment 
Cooking Martial ArtsFashion Chakras 
Channelling Energy Healing YogaReiki 
Theater Sound Healing Chanting Drumming 
Singing Dancing Falun Dafa Sacred Sexuality
Music Body Movement BreathworkBody Work
Laughter Hugging Tapping Alchemy 
Ho’oponoponoZen Feng ShuiMantras 
Acupuncture Mediumship Mirror WorkTai Chi
Sacred Science Temazcal Sweat LodgeQi Gong
ImprovisationPranayamaNature Visualization
Voice Activation Magic Psychic ActivationWater Drinking & Immersion 
Art and Craft Creation Oracle Card Decks Positive Affirmations Language Learning 
Neuro-Linguistic Programming NLPEffective CommunicationSustainable Physical Activity and SportsTelepathy and more !


 We believe in the Power of Positivity. We believe the Mind has the power to heal. We perceive ourselves through the use of our minds, and through this perception tool we can influence change within ourselves, our communities, our planet, this entire Universe and many more. We believe thoughts are critically important; change in Life begins first in the mind. A positive thinking mind is the most ideal place for spiritual illumination and effective education. Through Love, self-acceptance, kindness and compassion we begin to heal spiritually. We believe our thoughts have a vibrational frequency and our point of power is in the present moment; right here and right now.


We believe that as we continue to heal spiritually, we gain insight into how our thoughts and emotions work. We believe that a fuller conscious understanding of what our emotions are, an awareness of their meaning and significance, and the role they play in our lives will help us broaden our awareness. We strive to better understand how to tune our vibration to higher frequency emotions and learn from those of lower frequency. We open our minds and hearts to self-acceptance and LOVE. We feel called to heal ourselves spiritually and share with others by infusing positivity into behavior. We believe that by spiritually healing and illuminating ourselves we become conscious about how we choose to interact with ourselves, others, our communities, our Planet, and all universes. We receive insight into how everything could be fundamentally ideal, incorporating Love, Hate, Pleasure and Pain. These sensations provide opportunities for greater understanding of who and why we are, and who we want and choose to be as individuals. In the vastness of this Universe, there is no ending to Life, and no ending to Growth. Growth and Life are eternal, everlasting, and never ending. And while physical experience has definitive beginnings and endings, the ending of a physical life experience is  not the end of Life nor is it the end of Growth. We understand that taking actions that are in alignment with the ecosystem of our planet will lead us to more fulfilling and satisfying lives on planet Earth. We believe in giving back to Nature by educating ourselves and caring for the environment in whatever capacity we can. Appreciating helps. Begin here.


We believe that we are all part of Mother Earth-Pachamama-Gaia, an indivisible, living organism of interrelated and interdependent beings with a common destiny. Gratefully, we acknowledge Pachamama as the source of Life on this Planet. It provides everything we need to live well. We also recognize that Gaia is an extension of a greater, Higher consciousness. We believe that Higher consciousness communicates with us through higher thought-frequency vibration and the primary tool through which we translate such communications is our brain.  We believe our minds have the power to influence our future on planet Earth and we strive to learn more about the process.


We accept the wholeness of our beings, our thoughts, our words, our emotions, our actions, our sexuality, our gender,  our femininity and masculinity to the best of our awareness, knowledge and understanding. We believe in the power of accepting our sexuality, whatever we choose that to be. We believe that by accepting who we are sexually we experience freedom and liberation from restricted ways of being and embrace diversity. We believe that accepting our sexuality is a legitimate and valuable tool to achieve personal and spiritual happiness. SoulTribe Sanctuary members recognize their divine freedom to love whom they innately feel connected and attracted to. Love permeates every aspect of Life, and a Life devoted to spiritual illumination has the capacity to eventually translate into noble, fulfilling and meaningful sexual experiences. A spiritually aware human being will be better equipped to enjoy Supreme Love. The more we understand ourselves and our bodies, the more we understand those with whom we make love and the act of sexual congress. Love making that is in alignment with our hearts is lovemaking that feeds the soul and nourishes the spirit. We believe and accept that embracing our humanness is key to embracing our spirituality. A’ho, mahalo, mahalo, mahalo.